Winter Hydration

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As the season changes and our bodies are adjusting to the change in light and weather, hydration is central to keeping your body in balance.

Dehydration is not always easy to recognize. Most people who tell me they drink plenty of water are not drinking enough. Try taking your bodyweight in pounds, divide that number in half, and use the resulting number as an indicator for how many ounces of hydrating fluids to drink per day. I drink 3 plus liters a day and never worry about any other calculation.

It often seems harder to stay hydrated in the winter because we are colder. The weather has cooled which means room temperature has dropped. Water at room temperature has to heat up considerably to match the body temperature which means your body is cooling every time we drink room temperature or below water. Warming the water makes it a pleasure to drink. Tisanes, or “herbal teas” are an excellent way to get in more water. Warm water also enhances lymphatic cleansing and relaxes the digestive organs.

Both sodium and potassium are needed electrolytes for hydration. Polar minerals, a liquid mineralizing solution made from ocean water is my favorite electrolyte choice to add to water. Himalayan pink salt, celtic sea salt and Hawaiian black salt are also full of trace minerals. Dissolve them in a glass jar of water to have them ready to add, a teaspoon at a time, to your bottle of water.

Taking a bath gives the skin massive hydration. Apply oil to your skin when you get out of the bath. Consider a foot bath if a full bath isn't possible and remember to oil to hydrate.

Hydrating is wonderful for your body but can also be a part of a ritual for enhancing a peaceful mental state. Create a moist winter for yourself.